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Learning Lab: New Parent Coaching

Learning Labs
March 19, 2020

Learning Lab #7

What is New Parent Coaching and why do it?

Coaching has often been associated with transitions and becoming a mother or father is one of the biggest transitions there is.  

Organisations are increasingly recognising the scale of this transition and offering coaching to support it.

Prospective new parents can be concerned about questions such as: Who will take on my role while I’m away (and what if they do a better job)? Will I need to work more flexibly on my return, and will the company allow this? If I go part time, how will I make sure I’m adding value in the same way?

New Parent Coaching is beneficial for individuals and for the organisations who commission it.

Before renewed focus on retention rates, and the introduction of the scheme, 50% of our client Farfetch UK's maternity leavers returned to their roles. This figure has improved to 80%. In an organisation experiencing high growth in a sector famed for competition for talent, this is huge.  

- This session was designed by Sarah Cartwright with Abby Marcus.

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