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Learning Lab: Crucial Conversations in Complex Times

Learning Labs
June 3, 2020

Learning Lab #11

In a crisis, organisations and individuals experience enormous pressure.

In response to this pressure it's vital to pay more attention to supporting people and their wellbeing. The challenge for leaders is that whilst providing this important care, we still need to be able to challenge, give feedback and hold to account.

Looking ahead, we are all going to have to navigate a dramatically shifted landscape. Roles and ways of working will be re-defined, and we will need to maintain an open dialogue as we adapt to the new reality.

In order to do this quickly and effectively, leaders will need to have a frequent flow of conversations about what is going well, what isn't, what can be done differently and how everyone can feel supported, motivated and able to perform at their very best.

The purpose of this session is to explore how, through such conversations, leaders can manage performance effectively, whilst simultaneously offering caring support.

This is going to require some very specific skills and approaches.

- This session was designed by Sarah Cartwright

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If you would you like to run a Learning Lab like this in your organisation please email info@managementfutures.co.uk and we can talk through the next steps.

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